Much Needed Changes They Are A Comin' And An Update

Posted by Nancy Swart on

We are still just 2 , (Nancy And I) that take care of every aspect of the daily operations.

We manage pretty well except our biggest and many other persons' opponent since the calendar turned to 2021 has been 19 who unleashed an 8 PM curfew.

This is happening in Canada, more precisely in Quebec, just 10 minutes west of Montreal.

Our inventory is too vast to reside in home with us any more which means the number of hours i can pull orders has been drastically reduced to a few hours a day and the weekend.

We are very passionate about what we do and are constantly working to improve every aspect of the online experience to the extent that hopefully even when and if card shows become a thing again despite too many fast tracking the situation, you will continue to appreciate the worry free at home ease of sitting back and sifting through all the cards.

AND this passion has led to us seeking out another home for the ever expanding inventory.

More space, with easier access than the 1 we will soon be leaving behind -

Because stuffs getting serious and before someone has another meltdown on us (so far only 1 guy who didn't understand and felt that his spit was better than everyone elses') right before this past Christmas.

We are moving to improve the order fulfillment and all other aspects of our partnerships.(Never call this a business see next blog)

The move will not impact the already irregular operating hours, and should be completed in 1 month(mid to late April) and will be done in an along the way to work manner where everything is moving on a daily basis and more frequently on the weekends.

Every week no less than 10 thousand cards are acquired so we and Rona have outgrown our current space.

Free giveaway(s)-You must be a member of TCDB.COM and have that card on your wantlist. Those who do are seen below. 

1 available first claimed first served, please message us with your address and thank you for visiting


1. AlafiaRiver
2. andersonadams1
3. astrosammy
4. basecardhero
5. BeerRun
6. bobfetta
7. brianscards
8. Cardenas76
9. CardsInTheBasement
10. catchfrase
11. Chris_Moderato
12. CPBoomer77
13. CSUBiochem
14. cubsfanstan
15. Drifrog2
16. DustinDutra13
17. fordwaters
18. gormanmike
19. grote15
20. HookedSince68
21. Hundomatic
22. Jakenlaura2002
23. jambieyes
24. Joshua480
25. jsnyder
26. junioredwards200
27. krystal2769
28. Lexie130
29. moondog7809
30. OCHawkeye
31. oldschool72
32. opatalin
33. robert1962
34. Roberts Cards44
35. sandy's singles
36. Sgenakos
37. Shaggy69
38. Shaw Racing
39. Splinter_9
40. TCItan
41. throttlerod
42. Vonnegut37



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  • Bobfetta , it’s yours!
    OCH, thank you very much
    Bruno, Your kind words are very much appreciated and motivational even. Thank you so much!

    Anonymous on
  • I’ll take Rhino if nobody else has claimed him!

    Anonymous on
  • Best of luck with the move & expansion!

    Anonymous on
  • You are doing a great service for the hobby, especially in a time when many have entered it thinking that cards are like stocks. Being able to find cards that are needed to complete sets at an affordable price keeps the hobby for what it should be to all. Thanks for what you are doing, Bruno

    Bruno Paulhus on

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